The new feature of the Theresian Hotel allows you to check-in for your stay before you arrive in Olomouc. The service works just like you are used to with airlines: fully online. In the comfort of your own home or on the train to the Haná capital, you enter your personal details and you are all good.
Straightforward info in your pocket
With MyStay, your stay at the Theresian Hotel is instantly accessible, including full information on additional service options. The service also automatically emails you 2 days before your arrival – there is no risk of missing your planned stay.
Comfort at your fingertips
MyStay is also perfect for quickly navigating our premium service offerings from which you can order anything with just a few clicks.
Depending on your needs, you can book a luxury spa with a hot tub on the roof of the hotel before your arrival, order a bouquet or floral decoration for your room, send a request for a cot or a stay with a dog.
With MyStay, you can enjoy comfort in the heart of Olomouc to the fullest!