Hotel U Terezské brány s. r. o.,
Registered office: Javoříčská 674/5, 779 00 Olomouc,
ID No.: 04425341, VAT No.: CZ04425341,
Entered in the Commercial Register maintained by the Regional Court in Ostrava, Section C, Insert 63588
These General Terms and Conditions of Hotel U Terezské brány s. r. o. (hereinafter the GTC and the Hotel) regulate the contractual relationship between the Hotel and the client – an individual or a legal entity that orders a stay at the Hotel as the ordering party.
The person using the Hotel’s services is hereinafter referred to as the Client.
The Client may also be an individual identical to the Ordering Party.
The hotel that provides the services may be hereinafter referred to as the Hotel or Accommodation Provider.
These GTC are freely available on the Hotel’s website.
1.1. The Ordering Party can book a stay at the Hotel through the reservation system on the Hotel’s website (, by e-mail, phone or in person at the reception (hereinafter “reservations”).
The essential elements constituting a proper reservation are:
A. Where the Ordering Party is a legal entity:
ba) business name of the company ordering the stay, its registered office, ID No., VAT No., contact details (phone, e-mail)
bb) name and surname of the Client for whom the services are ordered, the Client’s permanent address and contact details (phone or e-mail)
bc) date of stay, number of persons, length of stay, choice of a specific room and other services and payment method
B. Where the Ordering Party is an individual:
ba) name and surname of the Ordering Party if different from the Client, their permanent address and contact details (phone, e-mail), the name and surname of the Client for whom the service is ordered, the Client’s permanent address and contact details (phone, e-mail)
bb) date of stay, number of persons, length of stay, choice of a specific room and other services
C. If a domestic person orders a stay for a foreigner, the Ordering Party is obliged to indicate this fact.
1.2. The contractual relationship for A, B and C is established:
1. at the moment of arranging the accommodation on site or upon checking-in if the accommodation is booked in person;
2. based on an online, phone, e-mail or personal order at the moment when the order is confirmed by the Accommodation Provider or the reservation of a specific accommodation is otherwise notified;
3. the Hotel is entitled to issue an advance invoice upon confirmation of the order.
2.1. The Ordering Party is entitled to:
3.1. a) Be sufficiently and fully informed by the Hotel about the services ordered, their scope, timing and price;
3.1. b) Properly receive the services ordered and confirmed by the Hotel and the services paid for by the Ordering Party, including services paid for in advance if an advance invoice has been issued;
3.1. c) Cancel the order at any time before the start of the stay, subject to the cancellation conditions set out in Article 4.3.;
3.1. d) Claim defects in the services provided in accordance with the Hotel’s complaint policy set out in Article VI of these GTC;
3.1. e) Let other persons use the accommodation instead of the original persons indicated in the reservation. However, the Hotel must be notified of this no later than the first day of using the services. New clients are also bound by these GTC.
2.2. The Ordering Party is obliged to:
2.2. a) Correctly and completely state all essential details of the order;
2.2. b) Pay the Hotel the price on the requested date;
2.2. c) Pay the Hotel the price of the services according to Article IV;
2.2. d) The Client is obliged to comply with the Hotel’s accommodation rules, wellness rules and other internal regulations issued by the Hotel in relation to the provision of accommodation and services;
2.2. e) The Client is obliged to use the accommodation premises and the common areas of the Hotel and to accept the services associated with the accommodation properly so that the Hotel does not incur damage;
2.2. f) The Client may not make any changes to the accommodation premises or any other places in the Hotel or move or relocate any furniture or equipment in the Hotel without the Hotel’s express written consent. If the Client violates this prohibition, the Client is obliged to remove the unauthorised change immediately but no later than at the end of the stay;
2.2. g) The Client may not accommodate third parties in the Hotel and in hotel rooms without the Hotel’s express written consent. Any violation of this obligation by the Client is considered a material breach of obligations, which may result in the immediate termination of the contract without notice pursuant to Article 3.2.(c) of these GTC;
2.2. h) The Client is liable to the Accommodation Provider for any damage caused by the Client intentionally or negligently in the Hotel premises and its immediate surroundings. The Client is also liable for any damage caused by the Client’s animals or guests. The Client is obliged to report the damage to the Hotel immediately and compensate the Hotel in full;
2.2. i) The Ordering Party/Client is obliged to terminate the contract in accordance with Article 2.1.(c) of these GTC, and if the Client fails to do so, the Client loses the right to reimbursement of any financial benefit provided to the Accommodation Provider.
3.1. The Hotel is obliged to:
3.2. a) Provide the Client with accommodation and other services agreed in the concluded accommodation contract on the agreed dates and in the required scope and quality. The Hotel is also obliged to provide the Client with important information about the accommodation and other services, as well as information about check-in;
3.2. b) The Hotel will hand over the accommodation facility to the Client in a condition suitable for proper use and ensure the undisturbed exercise of the Client’s rights associated with the accommodation;
3.2. c) The Hotel is obliged to provide the Client with alternative accommodation of the same quality (i.e. other than the booked room or alternative hotel) under the following conditions: a) only with the Client’s consent and, for this option, the Hotel undertakes to pay the difference between the price already given by the Hotel and the price of the alternative accommodation provided by the Hotel;
b) if the Client does not agree with the change under paragraph a), the contract will be terminated without any impact on the cancellation fees pursuant to Article 4.3. of these GTC;
3.2. d) Settle the deposit or prepayment reduced by cancellation fees within 30 days if the Client cancels a confirmed order, and the Hotel undertakes to refund the difference to the same account of the Client from which the payment was credited to the Hotel.
3.2. The Hotel has the right to:
4.1. a) Terminate the contract due to an emergency or operational reasons if there are reasons of force majeure and other reasons that objectively do not allow the Accommodation Provider to accommodate the Client;
4.1. b) The Accommodation Provider is entitled to charge at any time or continuously charge for additional services ordered by the Client in the Hotel beyond the concluded accommodation contract;
4.1. c) The Accommodation Provider is entitled to terminate the contract without notice if the Client grossly violates the Client’s obligations under the contract, these GTC, accommodation rules and/or if the Client violates good manners. This is without prejudice to the Accommodation Provider’s right to the payment of the total price of the accommodation.
4.1. The prices of services provided by the Accommodation Provider in the Hotel are listed at The Client will also receive this information at the reception when ordering services in person.
4.1. a) The price of services does not include a fee (municipal residence fee), which is collected in the amount set by a generally binding municipal regulation.
4.1. b) The price of the stay is always indicated in the order confirmation.
4.1. c) The Ordering Party (Client) will pay in advance for the services ordered according to the instructions on the advance invoice.
4.1. d) If the advance invoice for the stay is not paid by the due date indicated on the advance invoice, the Hotel may cancel the confirmed order unless the parties agree otherwise,
and non-payment of the advance invoice does not extinguish the obligation to cancel the ordered services.
4.1. e) Payment of the advance invoice means crediting the invoiced amount to the Hotel’s account.
4.1. f) Payments made by the Client directly at the reception can be made with payment cards accepted by the Hotel (in CZK).
4.1. g) The Client makes the payment for the stay and services provided before the start of the stay (unless otherwise agreed with the hotel), and the final invoice takes into account any deposit paid.
4.2. Terms of Payment
4.2. a) If the Client fails to pay the balance due by the indicated due date, the Client is deemed to have terminated the contract in accordance with the provisions of these GTC. This does not apply if the Ordering Party (Client) informs the Hotel otherwise. In the event of withdrawal from the contract, the Ordering Party becomes entitled to a refund of the deposit pursuant to Article 3.1.(d) and, at the same time, the Accommodation Provider becomes entitled to charge cancellation fees according to these GTC as well as to set off these mutual receivables.
4.2. b) If the aforementioned deposit is insufficient to cover the cancellation fee, the Ordering Party is obliged to transfer the amount due to the Hotel’s bank account without undue delay after the withdrawal from the contract.
4.2. c) In cases where no deposit is paid for the accommodation, the Accommodation Provider’s obligation to provide services is subject to the payment of the total amount for the accommodation as set out in Article 4.1.(g) of these GTC.
4.2. d) When booking online, payment is made in full by wire transfer.
The Ordering Party (Client) is entitled to pay the agreed price or deposit in the following ways:
1. online by card via payment gateway;
2. by wire transfer to the Accommodation Provider’s account: 115-1172120257/0100;
3. in cash at the hotel reception;
4. in the form of gift and discount vouchers, club cards and other means which the Accommodation Provider has undertaken to accept;
5. the balance due for other services is payable on the last day of the stay at the latest.
4.3. Cancellation Terms and Fees
4.3. a) The Client/Ordering Party may withdraw from the contract due to a material breach of the Accommodation Provider’s/Hotel’s obligations arising from the law or these GTC.
4.3. b) The Client has the right to terminate the contract at any time before the start of the stay by phone or in writing without notice and without stating any reason.
4.3. c) In the event of termination of the contract without notice, the Client is obliged to pay the Accommodation Provider a cancellation fee under the following conditions:
4.3.1. Cancellation of Individual Reservations (i.e. from 1–6 rooms)
4.3.1. a) In the case of non-refundable reservations (as specified at where 100% prepayment is made, the cancellation fee is 100% of the amount paid.
4.3.1. b) In the case of refundable reservations (as specified at www. theresian. cz/rezervace), it is possible to cancel the reservation up to 24 hours before the start of the stay (one day before arrival).
If the reservation is cancelled 24–0 hours before the start of the stay, a fee equal to the price of the first night of the total reservation will be charged.
In the case of payment by gift certificate, the cancellation fee is 100% of the amount booked.
Cancellation terms for stays booked through online travel portals are governed by the cancellation terms of these individual entities.
4.3.2. Cancellation of Group Reservations (i.e. 7 and more rooms):
Cancellation up to 30 days before the start of the stay is free of charge.
In the event of cancellation 29–15 days before the start of the stay, a cancellation fee of 50% of the total price is charged.
In the event of cancellation 14–8 days before the start of the stay, a cancellation fee of 75% of the total price is charged.
In the event of cancellation 7–0 days before the start of the stay, a cancellation fee of 100% of the total price is charged.
For this group reservation and its cancellation, the Hotel reserves the right to charge special cancellation fees at its own discretion.
4.3.3. For the purposes of calculating the cancellation fee, the number of days remaining until the check-in includes the day on which the notice was delivered to the Accommodation Provider but not the day of check-in.
4.3.4. If the Client/Ordering Party does not stay in the Hotel without terminating the contract pursuant to Article 2.2.(g) of these GTC, the Client/Ordering Party loses the right to reimbursement for any financial benefit provided to the Accommodation Provider.
5.1. A contract may be concluded between the Hotel and the Ordering Party/Client, the subject of which is the Accommodation Provider’s obligation to issue the Ordering Party with a gift voucher for accommodation and other related services and the Ordering Party’s/Client’s obligation to pay the agreed price for the gift voucher. The Ordering Party may assign the gift voucher to any third party.
5.2. In order to use the hotel services, the gift voucher holder is obliged to present the gift voucher in material form.
5.3. Upon presentation of the gift voucher, the Accommodation Provider will either provide the services specified on the voucher (service voucher) or services in the value specified on the voucher, or the value of the voucher will be offset against the total price of the services ordered by the holder (nominal voucher).
5.4. A nominal voucher can be used for all hotel services (wellness & spa, massages, accommodation, meals, etc.). The voucher can only be redeemed at the Accommodation Provider.
5.5. Vouchers can be purchased by cashless payment at or in person in cash or by card at the Hotel’s reception.
5.6. The gift voucher is only valid for the period indicated on the voucher. The voucher holder has no right to receive services after the date indicated on the voucher.
5.7. A gift voucher cannot be returned and refunded. The amount of the gift voucher not used cannot be refunded.
5.8. A service voucher can only be redeemed once as part of a single order.
6.1. If the Hotel provides defective services or fails to provide services that have been demonstrably agreed, the Client has the right to complain.
6.2. The Client’s right arising from the liability for the defects of services provided by the Hotel must be exercised seriously, definitely and intelligibly.
6.3. The Client is obliged to make the complaint in time without undue delay so that a remedy can be arranged, preferably at the place of the service provided by the responsible representative – reception. The Client must make the complaint in writing or verbally. If the complaint is made verbally and is not immediately satisfied in its entirety, the representative (reception) is obliged to draw up a complaint report with the Client, including the date of stay, the Client’s contact details, the subject of the complaint, the Client’s signature and, if relevant, the opinion of the Hotel’s representative. The Client is always obliged to provide the necessary cooperation for the proper resolution of the complaint.
6.4. If the complaint is made directly in the Hotel, the Hotel’s representative is entitled to decide on the complaint if the Client’s request is granted. In other cases, the complaint will be resolved within 30 days from the date of its submission unless the Hotel’s representative and the Client agree on a longer period.
The processing of the Client’s data for accommodation purposes is governed by GDPR rules according to the applicable legislation; for details, please refer to the Hotel’s website. The Client hereby grants the Accommodation Provider consent to process and retain the Client’s personal data within the scope of the data provided for the purpose of providing accommodation and registering guests pursuant to Act No. 565/1990 Sb., on local fees, and Act No. 326/1999 Sb., on the residence of foreign nationals in the Czech Republic and on amendments to certain acts. The more detailed obligations of the Client and the Accommodation Provider regarding keeping the register or the guestbook are set out in the above-mentioned legislation.
Amendments and supplements to these GTC may be individually regulated between the Accommodation Provider and the Client/Ordering Party in a written accommodation contract.
The Hotel reserves the right to amend and supplement these GTC. The Hotel/Accommodation Provider will notify the Client and the Ordering Party of any changes.
Pursuant to Section 1751 of the Civil Code, these GTC are considered an integral part of each individual accommodation contract and their full text is published by the Hotel on the Hotel’s website.
In the event of a conflict between the language versions of these GTC, the GTC in Czech will prevail.
These GTC become effective on 1 March 2024.